The process and what’s included in your above ground pool installation.
1 Arrive at your house on time and meet you, the pool owner.
2 Find out exactly where you want the pool and then paint out the site (I clear a one foot bigger area than the pool size)
3 Bring the equipment, tools, supplies, and pool to your back yard.
4 Use a sod cutter machine to cut out the sod of the install site.
5 Use a skid/steer (Bobcat) machine to remove the sod and level the earth on the install site.
6 Use the Skid/steer machine to place the sod and excess earth anywhere you want in your yard.
NOTE: I do not take the sod with me
7 Continue to level the site using the skid/steer machine and a builder’s laser level.
8 Set out the pool’s bottom frame. Assemble the frame and shape it with a tape measure.
9 Level the bottom frame with cement blocks using the laser level to within one-quarter inch or less.
10 Roll out the pool wall and place it in the bottom frame and connect the uprights.
11 Connect the wall at its ends, tape the bolts on the inside.
12 Using ground tools, create the cove and level and smooth out the pool’s earth bottom.
Note: If your pool comes with foam coving and a liner guard, I will install those.
13 Apply nut grass killer, then start unfolding the liner and set it in place.
14 Finish setting the liner and secure it to the top of the pool wall by the pool model’s design.
15 Set the liner to its final place working out any wrinkles while pumping in approx. 500 gallons of water.
16 Complete the installation of the pool’s top frame.
17 Cut in and install the pool’s skimmer and return fitting and (optional main drain)
18 Assemble the pool’s equipment and attach it to the skimmer and return using PVC piping and two valves.

19 Continue filling the pool while cleaning up the area and loading up the equipment and tools.
20 Your pool is now complete and filling and the pool’s equipment is ready for electric.
21 Ladder assembly is NOT included or offered.